Monday, May 23, 2005

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mud Fest

I can't wait to get underground again. I've got the itch now. we need to hit a different variety of cave...the wet muddy nasty ones! and I've got the perfect one in mind....Pettijohn's in Lafayette, GA.....7 mi. of cave or so....and it ain't like Fitton's but its a mud fest blast, yes it is. I've been there about a dozen times (including an ill fated in cave camping trip) but still have tons of it to do. I want to follow the stream passage to the lost hammer section and the waterfall which I've never been to.

Matt, Reed, and Hubert all have extensive experience in this jewel.

Great campsite at a spring located nearby (the Blue Hole) and that's also the trailhead for Ellisons' cave.

Pettijohn is calling my name.